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Community Governor Advert


Community Governor Advert

We are currently looking for new community governors to join our friendly governing body. Our governors come from a range of different backgrounds, skills and experience but all share a common interest of wanting the best possible education for the children in our school.

We would be delighted to hear from anyone who:-

  • Is interested in children’s education and the performance of the school
  • Is community spirited and would like to represent the community
  • Has spare time and the energy for the role
  • Is able to work well as part of a team
  • Can consider matters objectively and make informed judgements

There are approximately 22,200 school governors in Wales. They give their time, skills and expertise in a voluntary capacity, to help their schools provide children with the best possible education. Governing bodies are accountable for the strategic direction of their school and for the quality of education provided.

A Community Governor would bring their own experience and skills to the governing body and can act as a link with the community. They are appointed to represent community interests to enable the governing body to add specific areas of expertise to the governing body, reflecting a balance of interests amongst the stakeholder group.

Although Ysgol Cedewain is in Newtown we have a large catchment area for the whole of North Powys, so therefore to be a Community Governor for our school they would not necessarily have to live in Newtown.

We don’t expect you to be an expert in education and welcome governors from all walks of life to bring different perspectives and views. You just need to be committed to supporting our school community and the educational outcomes of our students

If you are interested please contact the Clerk of Governors at the school on or phone the school office on 01686 627454

Community governors are appointed by the governing body. If a person is eligible to be a teacher or staff governor at the school, is a registered pupil at the school, or is an elected member of the LA, they cannot be appointed as a community governor.